We recommend a schedule of practicing at least 30 minutes per day. For ongoing support, we highly recommend you get involved in our forum and facebook group with our other students. In the forum you can keep track of your progress with our practice log and see what other members are working on.

Here are some tips for effective practicing:

    1. Decide when and where to practice each day. Put it in your calendar.

    2. Write down your goals for each practice session in your practice log.

    3. Remove distractions.

    4. Use a timer to hold yourself accountable.

    5. Take a short break when you lose focus.

Even if you only have 20-30 minutes of focused practice per day, you can still make big leaps toward your goals. Our weekly challenge videos are perfect for keeping your momentum going when you have limited practice time.

For more information about how to approach practice, view this practice habits section of our forum. 

This TED talk on learning also has some great insights on learning and memorization. 

You can view our posts on how to memorize music, how to train your ear, and how to sight read better for more practice strategies.